"Nor must it be alleged here as an objection, that we may wish to reject the definition of God as a supremely perfect being… This objection is, I say, incompetent; for although it may not be necessary that I shall at any time entertain the notion of Deity, yet each time I happen to think of a first and sovereign being, and to draw, so to speak, the idea of him from the store-house of the mind, I am necessitated to attribute to him all perfections, though I may not then enumerate them all, nor think of each of them in particular…" Rene Decartes
This is the last reflection of the first week. Even in this paragraph, a box is built to define the kind of "God" that Decartes is trying to convince his readers of. I will be presumptuous... but most arguments about "God" have that "God" in a box at the startup gate. This isn't about trying to give a case for something beyond what scientific discovery has shown. This isn't about allowing space for the possibility of an ultimate cause of the universe. This is about a box.
"My "God" fits into this box and I want you to understand that my box is the right box."
I don't see too many people out there trying to convince me about an mysterious cause to the universe. I see people trying to sell me their box. How do I even start to have a conversation with people about "God" when they have already made up their mind how that "God" looks, acts, behaves, talks, feels and exists.
I am not going to claim that the universe wasn't started by something or someone outside or beyond the Big Bang. I'm not that old to come to any conclusions about how the universe started. I just don't want the only option to be ... the box. I am trying to see what could be outside of the box. I am already part of something bigger than myself... it's called the universe. How it started... not sure about that one. It just seems so limiting to only have the conversation about the "God in a Box". When do we get outside the box. I'd like to be a part of that conversation.
Here is my post from 2023
on the same reflection from Rene Decartes.
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