Thursday, March 23, 2023

Day 30: Wolves in the Snow

 This morning I awoke with an email in my inbox from my husband.  He sent me a link to a 2000 pc Ravensburger puzzle on Amazon, entitled "Wolves in the Snow".  I was amazed by the beauty of the picture.  The print is called Wolves in the Snow.  As I looked at the detail and the different elements in the picture, my mind went to yesterday's reflection and I was somewhat conflicted.  I wondered if I was odd that I couldn't grasp the significance or inspiration behind the artwork of Barnet Newman.  I felt like my mind was drifting back to the story of "The Emperor's New Clothes" again.  Am I supposed to be like the crowd and fall into amazement at the lack of artistry?  Maybe the lack is what is important, but I can't find it beautiful.  So this morning my husband's email was timely.  He sent me an affirmation that someone understands what I find beautiful, because he finds it beautiful.  

I was looking for my next 2000 pc puzzle, and it came in the form of a beautiful gift and gesture from someone who is trying to make me happy in this journey of life that provides so much sadness.  So as I work on this puzzle, I will hold him in my heart and embrace the beauty and inspiration that reaches my heart and let go of the stuff that doesn't.  

I don't want to pretend to get something out of these AFL readings when in reality some of them fly way over my head.  Authentic Lent is exactly that... Authentic.  So I will leave the Newman art for others to find space for and inspiration on their journey.  I won't deny them that experience.  But I am back to my wilderness pictures and my "Give me Bob Ross" conclusion.  And I don't have to feel alone in my passion because the person I love the most in this world, shares it with me.