Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Day 15: Marguerite Porete and Love worth burning for

What kind of love would be worth burning for?

Marquerite Porete inspires me... I am so grateful for living in this century. If I would exist in her time, someone would be tying me to a stake and burning me for what I write. I would rather be ignored as an author than condemned and burned at the stake. Today... I honour this woman for sharing her soul and words at great cost to her.

It helps me to understand Jean Meslier more... There was no freedom to struggle with "God" back then. Church was Power and decided your spiritual path for you. It was better to write in private and let your words go out after you are done breathing.
I thought her dialogue of Love and Reason was beautiful and poetic. "I am God, says Love, for Love is God and God is Love" ... and for that they killed her... not very loving.

I have it so good, yet I still feel like the shame hides within me lying to me...

"You will burn, like them, only by my fire. I will consume you."

I write and publish, if only on this obscure blog, to remind "Shame" that I know those lies, and I don't want to believe them anymore. Love is real and Love wants to drive out Fear and Shame. I am whole. I am free. I am intertwined with Love.

Reason. And who are you, Love? says Reason. Are you not also one of the Virtues, and one of us, even though you be above us?
Love. I am God, says Love, for Love is God, and God is Love, and this Soul is God through its condition of Love, and I am God through my divine nature, and this Soul is God by Love’s just law. So that this my precious beloved is taught and guided by me, without herself for she has been changed into me. And this is the outcome, says Love, of being nourished by me.