Sunday, March 10, 2024

Day 26: The Carnivore Atheist

Day 26: 2022 - "Only one thought today"

Today's Day 26 readings are going to be the inspiration for today's post.  

Two years ago, on Day 26, I must not have been in a writing mood.  I had "only one thought" to share... "One man's meat is another man's poison."  I went searching for the origin for that quote and found this.  

Whether the Roman poet and philosopher Titus Lucretius Carus (known as Lucretius) coined the expression in the first century BC, or merely repeated it, his is the oldest known reference: "quod ali cibus est aliis fuat acre venenum" (what is food for one man may be bitter poison to others).

Had I more energy that day, I might have dived into it a little more.  Now that I am a carnivore, it means something different to me.  

Day 26: 2023 - "The Death of my need to be right about "God" "

Then I followed it up by last year's Day 26 revisit to 2022's Day 31 post on chocolate preferences. .  (which will show up again in five days... sorry about that).  

I have been a carnivore since last November.  The carnivore "diet" is an animal based eating regimen.  It is ketogenic, but more restricted in it's intake than the standard keto diet.  My husband and I have found amazing results and benefits by just eating meat and eggs.  I will put some Youtube links at the end for anyone wanting more information on the benefits of Carnivore. I do want to see if there is a correlation between my food choice and my life journey. 

Back to "one man's meat is another man's poison."  When I chewed on that thought a little more, I wanted to agree with the conclusion that not every human functions on the same fuel.  Now I am wondering if there is only one functionally good fuel for the human body, but we have adapted to be able to survive on different kinds of fuel.  That is my experience with carnivore, and may apply to human philosophy as well.  Maybe as a species there is only one natural way to explain our existence on Planet Earth and in the Cosmos, but we have adapted to survive and even thrive with a multitude of understandings.  

Most Christians have adopted the ideology that there is only "one way" for all humans to understand their existence.  They have the answer and it has become their mission on this planet to convince everyone else that it's the "truth".  There are so many flaws with this assumption, but most of them don't bother the average Christian.  

Back to my food.  I eat meat and it works for me.  Maybe the human body evolved to function best on meat.  It makes sense.  There are other animals that function best on a meat diet.   So does it make sense for me to say that everyone needs meat to live.  Nope... because I lived for a half a century not eating only meat.  There are people not eating meat that are still surviving.  Who am I to say that they it doesn't work for them.  Maybe I believe now that meat is the only natural fuel for humans, but humans have adapted to intake other sources of fuel.  That is the secret to our sustainability as a species... we can adapt.  

I've adapted past my need for the Christian narrative.  I no longer need the fuel of Christianity to survive.  Maybe, like carnivore, I have actually returned to what in natural.  Maybe Christianity and all religious expressions are the adapting, not the other way around.  But this is my blog, my opinion, and my assumption.  I don't need to enforce it with anyone else.  It works for me, I've either adapted to eating meat and being secular or returned to my natural state.  

I have noticed a trend though.  Aside from me, I don't know any Carnivore Atheists, but I have been exposed to Atheist Vegans and Carnivore Theists.  I wonder if there is a correlation.  I feel like an odd duck again.  But it works for me.  So I will be happy with my odd duck status.  

Here are some Carnivore references for anyone interested in what it's all about.  

"Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels." Mikhaila Peterson

Mikhaila Peterson Reports after 5 YEARS on Carnivore Diet  

"Here's a question... Why is everyone fat and stupid?... There's something wrong with the way we're eating. " Jordan Peterson

Joe Rogan - Jordan Peterson's Carnivore Diet Cured His Depression?

"Eat until you're comfortable stuffed." Dr Ken Berry

CARNIVORE Diet (Beginner's Guide) All You Need to Get Started - 2024

"Food is supposed to be Fuel,

 not Entertainment."  

Ruby Neumann