Saturday, February 24, 2024

Day 11: A Christian and an Atheist walk into a Conversation

I first was introduced to Sean McDowell when I found a video of him  role playing an atheist for a group of students at a private Christian school.  I didn't know who Sean was at first, but the idea that a Christian would want to attempt to step into the shoes of an atheist intrigued me, so I watched it.  

A Christian Role-Plays an Atheist to a Group of Christians (then reveals who he is) 

After watching the video, I realized that Sean was the son of well known Christian apologist and author Josh McDowell.  Sean is also a Christian apologist that teaches at a Biola University (A Christian University).  

I wasn't that impressed initially, because Sean got real technical really fast, and I was wondering if that really emulated a conversation between an Atheist and a Christian.  Who really goes to the multiverse and string theory in their first interaction with Christians.  It seemed staged to me, and not that authentic.  

Later, I saw Drew from the Genetically Modified Skeptic Youtube Channel do a reaction video and it confirmed that there were some great issues with Sean's portrayal of atheism.  

Christian Apologist impersonates Atheist and Atheist responds. 

I've enjoyed some of Drew's videos over the last couple of years.  He is a former Christian turned Atheist and is not as abrasive as some of the other online Atheist voices I was trying to avoid at the time.  He reminded me of a fellow traveller on a journey... like me.  

Sean McDowell saw Drew's reaction video and reached out to Drew.  He invited Drew on to his channel to have a conversation.  This was huge for me, because I didn't know it was possible to have these two camps put down their armour and just talk.   Debates are common, but seldom life changing for either side.  Conversations are a rarity, and after listening to Drew and Sean, I gained hope that it could be a real possibility for me.  I needed to learn some skills in case I was ever invited into that space.  

Breaking Down Walls : A Christian and an Atheist in Conversation.

Live Q&A with Drew, The Genetically Modified Skeptic

I found myself actually appreciating Sean for his attempt to connect and even appreciated his role-playing.  It takes a lot to want to crawl into someone else's shoes and learn what that might be and feel like.  Even through he goes at it through a Christian lens, he is making an effort to... 

A - Humanize Atheists.  This is a message all Christians need to hear and understand.  Atheists are human just like them.  That is our common ground. 

B - Treat Atheists with respect, compassion and ask that others do the same.  It is what I find so helpful about his role-playing, (though a little off of reality as it may be.) At least he is bringing the conversation into his circles and giving the Christian youth something to think about.  

C - Find Common Ground.  I still see Sean as having a strong Christian Agenda to make the rest of the world Christian.  He believes it's true.  But he is walking towards a common ground and not demonizing the perceived enemy of Christians.  I think he is trying to follow Love in this.  

All these conversations were downloaded two years ago.  I found a new role play that Sean posted last year and thought I would watch it to see if he had learned something in his interaction with Drew.  I was amazed at the change.  

Dr Sean McDowell: The Atheist Encounter

This time, he prepped the audience as he usually does at these events.  I thought that a better approach instead of initially portraying an atheist without the audience's knowledge.  

I admired the questions that the kids asked and they seemed heart felt.  I tried imagining myself in their shoes what kind of questions I might ask.   It helped me see a bit of who I used to be and how I once looked at life.  

Sean's responses this time seemed more down to earth and less analytical and out of a textbook.  I found myself agreeing with his responses, and this time, he actually came close to portraying an atheist with some authenticity.  

I look forward to Drew doing a reaction to that video.  I would hope that he also found an improvement.  

I don't know the best way to have these conversations, that is why I soak them in when I can find them.  I really don't want to hurt people in the process of my conversation, but wish I could do what Sean and Drew did.  It's a dream.  

Day 11: 2022 - "The Invisible Gardener and my struggle with Authenticity"

Day 11: 2023 -  "Exist or Not Exist: Why are we still asking the question?"