It's almost bedtime and I haven't written my daily blog yet. I have been procrastinating. For a good portion of the day, the chat room has been a buzz on the subject of creeds. I was taken back a few decades when "The Apostle's Creed" was something that was ingrained in my memory. We recited it often at Lutheran services like mindless drones. There was nothing personal to me and when I stopped saying it and started listening to the others recite it, all I could hear was monotonous cadence. Nothing in the recitation of the creed at all convinced me that anyone one was personally invested in its message. It was only tradition.
I am grateful to be beyond the necessity of traditional recitations like "The Apostle's Creed". But I am still sad to hear people fall into the cadence of the recitation, when I know that they are personally invested in their faith. It is truly beyond understanding.