Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Day 8: When are you going to quit playing the game, Charlie Brown?


I am a big Peanuts fan.  I have been since I was a child.  I didn't look a lot like Charlie Brown, but inside, I felt like him.  I felt like that kid who wanted to belong, and would do almost anything in order to belong.  But I had my limits.  I think Charlie Brown taught me at a young age that a kid can get taken advantage of real quick if they play too long.  But he never quite got to the point of holding his "NO!" to Lucy's persistence to play.  Either he trusted too much, or hoped things could be different.  But the end was always the same.  He found himself flat on his back.  

Today, I learned again how easy it is to be fooled by people.  Every time it gets harder to trust the Lucy's of this world.  They seem so eager to prove themselves worthy of my trust, and maybe they are deceiving themselves along with deceiving the one running at the ball.  Maybe Lucy really believed she could change and play nice.  

But when it comes to approaching the game with some wisdom... it's not about changing Lucy's way of playing the game... it's about not playing the game with Lucy anymore.