Today, the readings were of Freud, and I felt no inspiration. I didn't read the first one, because it was so long. I went into the additional readings and read the shorter essay on religious experience.
I can't speak very well today, my throat hurts, I am tired, I can't eat. It hurts to swallow, I haven't slept well because of my pain and discomfort. I am silent again. Laryngitis is what it seems, so I have shut down my voice and am doing what I can to soothe the soreness.
I got "How (Not) To Speak of God" today. I started reading it. It might be a lot of stuff I have already read in the other books, but it is Pete's first.
I actually got the book based on Brian McLaren's raving Forward. With him speaking so highly of it, it was a no brainer for me. I didn't have it accessible on my Ibooks, so Manfred ordered from Amazon for me. It's my birthday present.
I found an interesting quote:
"Just because you're offended, doesn't make you right."