I was nervous on the morning of my "Graceful Atheist" podcast interview. About two years ago, I decided to tell my story on the podcast... (or the parts of the story that would seem tellable at the time. ) I had never been on a podcast before. There was enough encouragement from the Deconversion Anonymous Facebook community that it would be alright.
I went to my mom's farm for the interview and was thankful that she had somewhere else to be that morning. I had notes that I could follow, but somehow understood that I would probably veer off track quite easily. I think I made a list of the stories I didn't want to tell, more than the stories I wanted to share.
David made it easy for me to vomit my life. He was the first person to offer me a space to share my story. There was no judgement, no concern... only encouragement, understanding and time. He took the time to hear what I had to say. I can't say it was at all a polished interview on my part.. but for my first attempt it was okay. (Some of those stories that I didn't want to tell... came out anyway)
Ruby Gets Real Graceful Atheist Interview. June 19, 2022
Two years ago, I was still up in the air about labelling myself an atheist. I was okay with agnostic, but the atheist label was still a challenge for me to accept. As I read through my Authentic Lent 2022 posts, I can see the struggle to let go of my theist roots. But as 2023 comes around, the struggle seemed to dissipate.
David was so encouraging to help me understand that where I was... was okay. After the interview, and while listening to other interviews, I got the peace that I just need to be who I am where I am and when I am. David is the "Graceful Atheist"... and now I am the "Grateful Atheist". I am grateful for the opportunity to share what I could of some of my journey, and I am grateful for the community that came along with the podcast.
For more of David's story, here is a podcast that he did on Harmonic Atheist.
"Christianity kept falling apart and eventually it was 'game over'". David Ames
* * *
The Deconversion Anonymous Facebook group has been an oasis for me. I still feel alone in my own community. The known "atheist" friends I have, I can count on one hand. I shared my interview with two people... and one was a pastor friend of mine that I went to school with.
The podcast is currently taking a break from producing episodes, but there is a wealth of interviews for anyone's listening encouragement and inspiration. Here are some past episodes that I found particularly helpful and inspiring.
Darrel Ray: Recovering From Religion
Daniel: Psychology of Apologetics
Rachel Hunt: Recovering from Religion
I would recommend both "The Graceful Atheist" podcast and the Facebook community "Deconversion Anonymous" to anyone who needs a safe place to come to through deconstruction and after deconversion. Sometimes it just takes one story to remind you that you are not alone.
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