Friday, March 15, 2024

Day 31: Why are Atheists still reading the Bible?

Bible Secret #4:  I went to Bible School, but not because I wanted to study the Bible.  The original plan after High School was to study Agriculture.  I had two options I was considering.  Olds College in Olds, Alberta and the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) in Saskatoon.  There was one major issue when it came to choosing and in 1987, I didn't choose either one and it was all because of two male classmates that I didn't want to go to school with again.  I had spent three years in boarding school with Dave and Rob and I had no desire to continue education with either one of them.  Rob was going to U of S in Agriculture and Dave was going to Olds College.  I decided to go to Camrose to Bible School instead.  There were also some of my classmates that were going as well, so it seemed like a good choice at the time.  But it had nothing to do with the Bible or my desire to figure out what that book meant to me.  Technically, according to the understood protocol at the time, I wasn't even a Christian.   But later I would be excited to admit that "I got saved at Bible School".  I just wish I could have seen the irony in that statement at the time.  I did get my chance to go to Olds College in 1990 and I graduated in 1992 with a Diploma in Agricultural Production... which was more than I got at Bible School... because I dropped out in my second year. 

* * * 

The only reason I am even aware of Dr. Joshua Bowen is because of his wife, Megan Lewis, co-host of Bart Ehrman's Podcast "Misquoting Jesus".  But I have to admit, at the time, he seemed to be too heady for me to investigate, until he showed up on the lineup of BAHACON.  Then I figured that he must be someone who was reaching out to the less educated folks like me.  

Dr. Bowen's and Megan's intellectual focus is in the study of ancient Iraq, or Assyria.  But Dr Bowen has a vested interest in helping atheists understand the bible.  That is what grabs me.  He is the author of "The Atheist's Guide to the Old Testament: Volumes 1 & 2"

I would like to get my hands on this collection, but my Apple Books still doesn't have the book version available for download, but the audio version narrated by Seth Andrews is available.  I'm just not much of a audio book enthusiast.  Even if it is Seth Andrews narrating. So I guess I will just have to wait.  

So the answer to my question "Why are Atheists still reading the Bible?" is more of a bone to throw out to the void in hopes someone can give me a better answer than my assumptions.  Bart Ehrman spends his life immersed in the Bible and it's history because of it's impact on culture.  Josh Bowen says his books are good for atheists to have an understanding of the context of the Old Testament when conversing with Christians.  The idea out there is that Atheists, especially Post-Christian Atheists, are more well read in the Bible than most Christians.  I would guess that now that the blinders are off, it's not as threatening to faith to read the text for what it offers.  

Here are some interviews with Dr. Joshua Bowen.  

Bible Scholar Dr. Joshua Bowen Leaves Christianity

The Atheist Handbook to the Old Testament: Volume One (With Dr. Joshua Bowen) 

Is Yahweh a Terrorist (with Dr. Josh Bowen)

Day 31: Death of God as Father and Mother

Day 31: I don't want to leave the ocean

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