Saturday, March 9, 2024

Day 25: The Difficult Conversation

Sarah Haider 

It's the end of Women's week.  That doesn't mean the rest of Authentic Lent will be void of women's voices.  They will just be intermingled.  Today, I want to share a special voice I discovered this month.  Sarah Haider is an Ex-Muslim Atheist.  Born in Pakistan and raised in the U.S. as a Muslim, Sarah has a perspective I wanted to share here.  Her story matters.  

Sarah Haider: Ex-Muslim

Authentic Lent is a discovery for me, first and foremost.  I want to be exposed to a variety of voices that can educate and inform me on my journey.  I realize that I personally don't have access to so much of the world's experiences and can't hope to imagine what life is like outside of my Canadian bubble, because being Canadian is all I've known.  

I have so many questions.  What was it like to grow up as a girl in Pakistan?  What was it like to be a woman in a Muslim family?  How is Sarah's relationship with her family now that she is out as an atheist?  What courage did she have to find to do what she does, say what she says and be the person that she is?  It is why I have included here in this line up of courageous women.  

Sarah has made her voice known on the internet,  so a quick google search with bring up a lot of options to hear her thoughts, but I found one interview that I will share here.  It is entitled "This is a Difficult Conversation."  

I am not that polished at having "The Difficult Conversation" in my own circles.  I say things that are better left unsaid, and I don't say things that need to be said.  I am a people pleaser and that is an easy default for me.  I don't want to hurt people; I don't want to alienate people from my life; I want to get along; I want to love and be loved.  So my struggle continues and that is why I blog.  I can at least get my thoughts out in a medium that won't be scrutinized by my people.  Blogs can easily be avoided and for the most part are in my case. Face to face confrontations... not so much.  

Day 25: 2022 - " Nietzsche Speaks"

Day 25: 2023 - "Crazy Beliefs"


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