Thursday, February 29, 2024

Day 16: Aren't we all Agnostic?

I once told my mother, "We are a planet of Agnostics."  I wanted to convey that at the heart of the matter, knowledge evades us.  We can feel certain about something and sell our selves to the cause, but do we really KNOW?  

I came across Leslie Hazleton about three years ago when her book popped up on my radar.  I was looking for Agnostic stories and I found her book, Agnostic, A Spirited  Manifesto.  

The Journey of the AGNOSTIC: A SPIRITED MANIFESTO by Lesley Hazleton. Leslie Hazleton - The Doubt Essential to Faith 

Lesley originally hails from England but became a U.S. Citizen.  I figured that still gives her credence to be a part of my "across the pond" week of Authentic Lent.   

I like Lesley's approach to life.  She values words and their meanings which excites me.  I am always frustrated that I am fluent in the only language that butchers the story of the inner human existence.  Her Ted talks have been invigorating and I will add a couple at the end of my post.  

It's encouragement from voices like Lesley's that give me hope that I don't have to have my "Atheist" label tattooed on me or embroidered on a hoodie for everyone to see.  She is comfortable with the Agnostic label and then goes further to uncover her story beyond the labels.  She still understands people's need for faith and has spent a lot of energy and time to understand the world of faith and the people who embrace it.   

I am not personally convinced that being Agnostic is a just stop on the way to being Atheist.  I am in good company with a lot of Atheists who still add Agnostic in to their identity.  It's somewhat humbling and freeing at the same time to let go of the need to know everything and even know anything.  To leave room for doubt in any moment, choice or feeling is wisdom in action.  At least that is what makes sense to me.  But what do I know?  

Lesley Hazleton: The doubt essential to faith

The Real Meaning of Soul - Lesley Hazleton

Day 16: 2022 -  "God Hates us ALL ... A message worth risky graffiti?

Day 16: 2023  -  "The Show must go on"  (This post contains the story of "The Emperor's New Clothes".   How brave of me would it be for us to put myself in the shoes of that child again.) 

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