Sunday, April 2, 2023

Day 40: The Holy Hole


Last year, I christened this day as Poplar Sunday. It was my way of finding spiritual relevance in my place in the planet instead of depending on a tropical narrative that really didn't inspire me.  

The poplar leaves aren't out yet, in fact, this morning, we had another dusting of snow.  So the imagery is out of season, but does it really matter.  I just want something from my Canadian world to relate to.  Is that so much to ask? 

This coming week, I am asked if I can embrace the lack.  Does that also mean that I get to embrace the struggle as well.  I read that somewhere.  I wonder if the idea of peace still can include struggle.  I personally think it's a pipe dream that I have all this figured out.  That is why I call it a journey.  And in reality... a journey with no real destination at the end.  Maybe that imagery looks more like aimless wandering, but what if that is all that life is... aimless wandering.  

My life can be the poster of aimless wandering.  I didn't grow up with a big academic dream that I brought to fruition a few years out of high school.  I just grew up and found things to do.  I remember telling my nephew something like this.  "If you can't figure out what you want to do when you "grow up"... just do something."

I can tell him again that maybe all of life is about "just doing something". Maybe it's okay of some of us we never "grow up".  The world needs some people to be focused performers, and the world also needs people on a journey.  

I woke up this morning with a muddle of thoughts in my brain.  I wondered if any of them will find a place of rest.  I wonder what it would look like for me to just wake up and be okay to just be.  Maybe that is the lack in my life.  Maybe that is the "holy hole"...   Interesting...  Mmmmm... 

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